Will he or won't he? See his shadow, that is. Every year on February 2, the infamous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, comes out of his burrow on Gobbler's Knob to predict the weather for the rest of winter. Talk about pressure!
If you're looking for a reason to celebrate this winter or you want to celebrate whatever outcome Phil predicts, host a Groundhog Day party! ǿ has several online Groundhog Day invitations designed specifically for this holiday. Start by customizing your invitation with important event details, send it out from any digital device, and easily track RSVPs online.
Once you send out your invitation, it’s time to think about food and decorations. Since Punxsutawney Phil has been known to offer less than positive predictions in the past, why not take things into your own hands and scare Spring out of hiding? Choose a “Spring Fever” theme and use green decorations (everything from table cloths to string lights) throughout your party space. The flowers might not be blooming yet outside, but you can decorate with brightly colored tulips, daffodils, and other spring flowers. For the party menu, incorporate spring foods such as asparagus, green beans, apricots, and spinach. Light salads and appetizers would also work well.
Groundhog Day has been around since 1841. Although it may feel like we've been getting the '6 more weeks of winter' prediction since then, let’s keep our fingers crossed for a different outcome this year and focus on planning a fun Groundhog Day party in the meantime!
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