Want to add a little excitement to your Academy Awards party? Organize an Oscar pool for guests to choose their picks to win all the major awards! An Academy Awards pool gets guests totally engaged and inspired to take their best guess at the winners. An Oscar pool will also encourage your guests to go see the nominated films ahead of time, which is a fun thing to do during the winter months.
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Oscars Pool Prize
To start, first decide how much the participation fee and total winning pool will be. If you want the winning pot to be substantial, determine how many guests will attend and then figure out what the participation fee will be. For example, if each guest chips in $20 to participate and you have 10 guests total, the winner would take home $200. Entrance fees can be cash or collected through Venmo or PayPal. Alternatively, you could create a prize basket for the winner filled with movie passes, a fake Oscar statue, popcorn, soda, and movie candy.
Regardless of what the winner is awarded, be sure to let guests know about any participation fees and other event details in digital Oscars party invitations. Customize gorgeous Oscars watch party invitations and deliver by text or email in minutes.
Next, download free printable Oscar ballots. Have guests fill out their ballot before the show and write their name on the top, then randomly exchange ballots so everyone can score someone else's ballot. Be sure to appoint an official scorekeeper to tally the score so everything is even at the end of the night. ÐÇ¿ÕÆåÅÆ_OscarsBallot2025.jpg1.47 MB
Finally, just like the official Academy, be sure to announce the winner once the ballots are reviewed and tallied. Whether they take home the prize or not, guests will be super entertained and will start looking forward to your Oscar party the next year!