St. Patrick's Day Party for the Kids

If you plan to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with your little ones, here are some ideas that will be fun for the kids.

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Sleepover parties are always fun but a St. Patrick's Day overnight complete with an arts and crafts project and tasty treats puts a new twist on a traditional sleepover party. Send online St. Patrick's Day party invitations to invite your child's friends over for a St. Patrick's Day themed sleepover party!  Customize your favorite design, send via text or email, and easily manage RSVPs online.
Keep the kids busy with fun St. Patricks' Day games and St. Patrick's Day crafts. One of the newest crazes for kids around St. Patrick's Day is to make a . Simply have the children take a cardboard box, decorate it as they wish with construction paper, markers and stickers, (don’t forget breathing holes!) and viola, you have a leprechaun trap!

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Make sure they have something to put inside the box to lure the leprechaun to the trap, such as gold glitter or snacks. Have the kids set their newly decorated traps out before they go to sleep and let them awake to a heap of chocolate “gold” coins in the morning.
After the gold coin discovery, keep the St. Patrick's Day theme going with breakfast. Use heart-shaped cookie cutters to create shamrock pancakes. Just cut the shape three (or four) times into the pancake to form a shamrock. Use food coloring to make green milk. Serve with green grapes or honeydew to keep your theme going.

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