
Runway Waiters - Model Event Staffing, Catering, Brand Ambassadors, Promotional Models & Party Staff

3801 3rd street #1127

San Francisco, CA 94124

  • (800)-959-2961


Promotional Modeling And Brand Ambassadors

Promotional modeling helps put your brand’s message to the forefront of your customers’ minds. Not just any pretty face will do; these promo models must have a certain stature and polish about them that commands attention. They must be sharp, refined, and able to work in any atmosphere and to transform into the specific type of event staff your occasion requires:

Brand ambassadors Trade show models Product demonstrators Convention staff Booth personnel Promotional models

When you need to make your presence known, hiring professional promotional modeling staff ensures you’ll be the talk of the town for days to come.

As trade shows and conventions tend to bring out the competitiveness in companies, it’s important to stand out and Runway Waiters understands the importance of having a memorable public face. Placing promotional models on your show floor to provide product demonstrations and interact with customers can build buzz for your brand, new product or service. Attractive, engaging promotional modeling staff at the helm of your special event not only puts guests at ease, but helps them have more fun too.

Let Runway Waiters provide you with promotional modeling!

Attractive, capable men and women for your promotional modeling needs!

The idea of a promotional model—an attractive, charismatic personality who is an expert at mingling—is a common sight at many events. But the models of Runway Waiters set themselves apart from the rest.

Our promotional models have more than just looks at their disposal. Their high level of experience and training enables them to field the full responsibility of maintaining your business’s brand, image, and professional persona. With the right training our promotional models can become completely knowledgeable in your business and able to field virtually any question from inquiring customers. Whether it’s handing out information or providing a product demonstration, our staff can meet your every need.

We outfit our promotional model staff with appropriate attire for your event. Whether your event necessitates tasteful cocktail attire or a buttoned-up outfit that evokes a high level of decorum, we can accommodate any apparel requirements. Custom uniforms may also be created at your request. We understand that achieving the right look is critical to making a lasting impression.


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