Churches by State
- AL - Alabama Church
- AK - Alaska Church
- AZ - Arizona Church
- AR - Arkansas Church
- CA - California Church
- CO - Colorado Church
- CT - Connecticut Church
- DC - DC Church
- DE - Delaware Church
- FL - Florida Church
- GA - Georgia Church
- HI - Hawaii Church
- ID - Idaho Church
- IL - Illinois Church
- IN - Indiana Church
- IA - Iowa Church
- KS - Kansas Church
- KY - Kentucky Church
- LA - Louisiana Church
- ME - Maine Church
- MD - Maryland Church
- MA - Massachusetts Church
- MI - Michigan Church
- MN - Minnesota Church
- MS - Mississippi Church
- MO - Missouri Church
- MT - Montana Church
- NE - Nebraska Church
- NV - Nevada Church
- NH - New Hampshire Church
- NJ - New Jersey Church
- NM - New Mexico Church
- NY - New York Church
- NC - North Carolina Church
- ND - North Dakota Church
- OH - Ohio Church
- OK - Oklahoma Church
- OR - Oregon Church
- PA - Pennsylvania Church
- RI - Rhode Island Church
- SC - South Carolina Church
- SD - South Dakota Church
- TN - Tennessee Church
- TX - Texas Church
- UT - Utah Church
- VT - Vermont Church
- VA - Virginia Church
- WA - Washington Church
- WV - West Virginia Church
- WI - Wisconsin Church
- WY - Wyoming Church
Recently Added Churches
Looking for a beautiful church for your wedding? If you don't already have a wedding church in mind, browse big churches in your area that can hold hundreds or quaint wedding chapels for a more intimate affair. Some churches even double as wedding reception venues. You can also search for churches for a christening, baptism, or communion.
Our extensive database includes many church denom...
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Looking for a beautiful church for your wedding? If you don't already have a wedding church in mind, browse big churches in your area that can hold hundreds or quaint wedding chapels for a more intimate affair. Some churches even double as wedding reception venues. You can also search for churches for a christening, baptism, or communion.
Our extensive database includes many church denominations, including Christian, Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Episcopal, and Presbyterian, to name a few. Visit a few local churches to see if you like the service. While you're there you might as well check out the reception space.
You can also find numerous temples and synagogues for bar mitzvahs, anniversary parties, and holiday parties. Some synagogues even welcome guests on holidays like Purim where you can see all the temple has to offer. Whether you're reform, conservative, or orthodox, you're sure to find a temple or synagogue that meets your needs for a Jewish wedding or other function.