OXCC - Outdoor Xtreme Chesapeake City

2941 Old Telegraph Rd

Chesapeake City, MD 21915

  • 410-885-5555


Birthday parties for boys and girls at a rate moms can afford!

We offer Young Gun Parties from low-impact to Splatmaster paintball, and laser tag for birthday parties and other special events.

LOW IMPACT-.50 CAL PAINTBALL Less sting for younger or less experienced players recommended minimum age of 10+ $25 pp for equipment rental + 200 paintballs 2 hours of fun

OUTDOOR LASER TAG $20 pp includes all equipment for ALL ages, young and old 2 hours of fun

JT SPLATMASTER PAINTBALL Even less sting than low impact recommended age is 7-12 $25 pp includes equipment + unlimited paintballs red plastic pump paintball guns paintballs are pumped out, not propelled with compressed air 2 hours of fun

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