Mount Olive African Methodist Episcopal Church-Worton

P.O. Box 77

Worton, MD 21678

  • (410) 778-3328


We are Seeking, Serving, and Sharing GOD to Give Hope, Help, and Healing to All!

"There is No Limit with GOD in Mount Olive" Luke 1:37 NASB

Our Vision:

Serving GOD with Excellence by growing and maturing ourselves and others biblically and spiritually, spreading the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST with preaching, teaching, and witnessing, winning souls for CHRIST, sharing our time, using our gifts, giving our tithes and offerings, increasing our church family well beyond our physical capacity, making and equipping disciples to do the same, executing a positive impact and making a difference in the lives of the communities, the town, the county, and people we serve by providing the needed services and resources with the utmost love, care, joy, peace, humility, trust, integrity, and authenticity.

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