Dr. Lon's Amazing Science Magic Show
Epsom, NH 03234
- 603-230-2422
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Dr. Lon's Amazing Science Magic Show
If you’re looking for something different … an out-of-the-ordinary show where the guests are active participants rather than passive observers … well, that’s what Dr. Lon’s Amazing Science Magic Show is all about! (33 words, 181 characters)
Unlike a conventional magic show that relies on tricks and illusions, Dr. Lon’s Amazing Science Magic Show consists of fun and exciting demonstrations of natural phenomena that are sure to evoke oodles of oohs, aahs and ahas. Also, during the show Dr. Lon will enliven the demonstrations by engaging the audience in both the demonstrations and also the impromptu banter he uses to play off of the participants themselves. In other words, the participants also laugh at each other … and that simply adds to the fun.
Dr. Lon's Amazing Science Magic Show can be customized to suit the audience and the occasion. Age-appropriate shows are available for kids, teens, and adults.
Depending on the available time, a full-length show will last from 45-minutes to one-hour. Mini-shows of a half-hour or less can be arranged for corporate events or for guest appearances on TV shows.
Call us or check out our website for additional details.