CafeDate 4 Kids
2898 Banksville Rd
Pittsburgh, PA 15216
- 412-969-9115
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This indoor play, party and workspace is designed to cater to the needs of working parents, where they can carry out parties, their official meetings, professional works and even conferences, in a café setting with or without their children. This venue allows parents and children to enjoy a relaxed and serene indoor playing and party experience, where there are number of different facilities being offered to the children of different age groups.
 Hold Parties: Do you want to plan yours or your child’s birthday party? Cafedate 4 kids is the best option you have. This state-of-the-art indoor venue lets you plan your own décor, your own events and also helps you choose the best options available for the prefect and most memorable day .  Work Meetings: You are given the opportunity to hold meetings at the venue using our Free Wifi and reasonably priced café. This can be one of the best work and play options available in City of Pittsburgh.  Temporary Care: The venue also offers temporary care service for your child while you choose to run an errand or stay and need some undivided time. This allows parents to cater to their daily or professional work, whilst their children are playing in a safe monitored environment.  Reasonable Open Hours: The regular café / playarea hours start from 11 in the morning till 4 in the evening on most days. However, on Friday’s and Saturday’s, the timing is extended to 8 at night, which allows parents to spend extra time with their children on weekends. But, these hours are flexible and they do open early and close late upon request.  Free Wi-Fi and Café: The venue is equipped with air conditioning, a café for light snacks, alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks, Television, white board and Projector at reasonable price and even free Wi-Fi. This allows parents to relax and enjoy their work without much planning.  Moderately Priced: Cafedate4kids is an affordably priced facility, which lets you enjoy quality time with your children in a low pricing criterion. The prices depend on the hours you are spending in the facility, and what nature of services or event you are planning to hold. They do allow outside catering for your special occasion to make this place suitable for any event.